Arad Kavosh Pey CO.

ARAD delivers added value to customers through expertise and unparalleled customer support. Flexibility and global presence allow us to satisfy to customer’s needs quickly and with precision. This strategy allows us to help our customers to meet their business challenges head-on and achieve success. Our modern manufacturing technologies ensure that ARAD is able to quickly and efficiently produce a wide array of products. ARAD holds ISO 9001:2008, ISO1401:2004 and ISO 1801:2007 Certifications and meets testing specifications as defined globally and at the local level.

You can count on our products and our people day in and day out, year after year. Not just in friendly environments, but in hostile ones. That’s because a steadfast commitment to quality is not just a goal at ARAD, it’s an obsession. In our engineering laboratories, on the manufacturing line, all the way to field installation, it's the guiding principle of everything we do. ARAD has consistently pioneered modern advances in power utility and communications networks since 2011.

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